Two new Millsboro Town Council members will be sworn in at the Monday, July 1, town council meeting. But there will not be an election this year, because only two
The Millsboro Town Council, during a workshop preceding the council meeting this week, discussed implementing guidelines for meetings and council members’ behavior, at the suggestion of Councilwoman Kimberley Kaan.
An extended discussion about changing the Millsboro town charter to replace at-large voting with in-district voting — as those in the audience freely called out opinions and accused Mayor Jim
Millsboro Police will soon move into the new, $9.3 million, 13,000 square-foot station on West Railroad Avenue, Chief Brian Calloway told the town council at the Tuesday, Jan. 3, town
During discussion of municipal district voting, members of the Millsboro Town Council found sharp disagreement, with Councilwoman Kimberley Kaan saying she felt the others’ strong disagreement with her was a