They say that time is the most precious thing in life - far more valuable than money or luxury goods. People often freely (and sometimes, grudgingly) give and receive it between fr.
Often business is nothing more than the purchase of another person’s time. But sometimes, it takes a physical form. One of the earliest business transactions involving Americans and Koreans took place in the summer of 1883 when Kim Ok-kuin, a Korean official, purchased a number of items from James R. Morse, an American businessman who owned “The American Clock & Brass Company” in Yokohama, Japan.
Over the last couple of decades, Jeju has often been called the Island of World Peace. But in the spring of 1903, it was anything but peaceful to the small Japanese community - at least according to the Japanese press.
Over the last couple of decades, Jeju has often been called the Island of World Peace. But in the spring of 1903, it was anything but peaceful to the small Japanese community - at least according to the Japanese press.