Profiting off his ties to people in power. And companies that hired him like at t and novartis pony up for access, something that his boss railed against his candidate. I know the game. I understand it. So many people have come up, lobbyists. I said i dont want money from lobbyi lobbyists. The system we have is broken. A guy like bush, all these people are controlled by peemt who give them the money. It is time to drain the swamp in washington, d. C. Thats the best Case Scenario of what cohen has been up to. Here is the thing. There are numerous reasons to believe that scenario may not be the truth. For starters, lets start with this. Prior to taking money from corporate clients, cohens llc of central consultants was being used to pay hush money to the president s mistress and unexplainably to a former
government. Specifically focus on u. S. Tax reform, major Trump Campaign issue and the time warner merger. This had been announced by at t in october just before the election, and donald
has announced it will dismantle its nuclear test site ahead of the summit between president trump and kim jong-un. he added thank you, a very smart and gracious gesture. he s set to meet with kim in singapore on june 12th. coming up, it looks like everyone wants to know what s really going on in the trump white house. even iran spfs supreme leader. look closely. that s no ordinary book he s reading. plus, heart racing moments when a family tries to outrun a group of cheetahs at a safari park. the narrow escape you have to see. hey allergy muddlers. are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec®. it s starts working hard at hour one. and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®.
i grew up in the forests out in this area and honestly it s heartbreaking to see all these trees dying. what guides me is ensuring that the public is going to be safer and that these forests can be sustained and enjoyed by the community in the future. i want to thank kim jong un, who really was excellent to these three incredible people. they are really three incredible people. earlier this morning president trump greeted three americans freed from north korean labor camps after up to two years in detention, thanked their captor kim jong un for being, quote, really excellent to them. shortly after that trump announced he would meet with kim in singapore on june 12th in a high stakes summit in which the u.s. will attempt apparently to convince north korea to give up its nuclear program. joining me now former obama state department spokesperson and senior adviser nayara hawk.