Sense laws with regard to guns in america. Thank you, senator. I just dont understand why so many students lives, so many teachers lives, all of this for it to change. Why does it have to take so many . By the first time, it should have been changed. But its gone so far. You lost a future olympic medalist, whose funeral i was supposed to be attending, but change is more important, because thats what they would have wanted. Why did it have to take so much blood to be spilt, so much money for you guys to gain from not answering the question, mr. Rubio . Why is this happening . Why arent we why hasnt this changed already . Why do we have to be the last school . Why wasnt it the first school the last school . And you can ask the same question, why two years ago when 49 lives were taken in the pulse nightclub and nothing was done. Not in washington, not in tallahassee, not one thing offered by the administration in tallahassee. And here we are, going through this again. And its gone to unfo
I just dont understand why so many students lives, so many teachers lives, all of this for it to change. Why does it have to take so many . By the first time, it should have been changed. But its gone so far. You lost a future olympic medalist, whose funeral i was supposed to be attending, but change is more important, because thats what they would have wanted. Why did it have to take so much blood to be spilt, so much money for you guys to gain from not answering the question, mr. Rubio . Why is this happening . Why arent we why hasnt this changed already . Why do we have to be the last school . Why wasnt it the first school the last school . And you can ask the same question, why two years ago when 49 lives were taken in the pulse nightclub and nothing was done. Not in washington, not in tallahassee, not one thing offered by the administration in tallahassee. And here we are, going through this again. And its gone to unfortunately very possibly continue unless we get some common sens