On Monday, the police carried out a ‘head-shaving campaign’ targeting a group of young men at the Bahri Market in Khartoum North. In response, a group of young Sudanese decided be ahead of the police by shaving their heads themselves.
The practice is similar to what the now dissolved Public Order Police used to do, claiming to “maintain appearance in public places”.
In a mockery of the campaign, young men shaved their heads bald and published their photos on social media platforms with the hashtag #'shave bald, leave the public order out in the cold'.
Resistance Committees, doctors, lawyers, and activists have condemned the excessively violent response by the Sudan Armed Forces and associated paramilitaries, to the December 19 Marches of the Millions in the capital Khartoum on Sunday. At least one person died, more than 300 were wounded, while cases of rape and sexual violence have been reported, allegedly committed by paramilitaries.