Nazareth court charges Maisa Abd Elhadi with identifying with a terror organization, incitement to terror after posts mocking elderly captive, celebrating security fence breach
With cops caught unprepared for Saturday's havoc in Tel Aviv's south, reports of chaotic scenes at police command center, commissioner Shabtai seizing direct control
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The flight was no longer than usual but as usual it was long! Last winter my husband and I travelled to Jerusalem. We arrived on a stormy night when our prayers for wind and rain were being answered affirmatively. Emphatically! And then, already home, with the front door of the building inches away, sanctuary promised, so near, a fierce gust of wind blew me down to the cold wet sidewalk beneath my exhausted 80 year old torso; the fall was powerful enough to break my pelvis. I simply could not get up from that misery on the frigid stones of the soaking wet pathway. The pain was severe. Not at all a welcoming welcome!