The first Bangladeshi cyber-thriller movie, “Antarjal”, is slated for its exclusive online premiere on the digital entertainment platform Toffee starting tomorrow (December 21). Viewers can enjoy the film for free across various networks on Android and iOS devices and Android TV. The film will serve as a gift to audiences nationwide in celebration of Victory Day.
Say speakers at the BYLC Virtual Youth Carnival 2020
While applauding the spirit of youth in creating progressive impact during the pandemic, speakers at the opening ceremony of the BYLC Virtual Youth Carnival 2020, organized by Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center (BYLC), also emphasized the need to show young people how they can be part of a sustainable changemaking process. Youth have shown the power of transformation during COVID-19 through their actions and their work for their communities. Now we have to think about the resources and benefits that we can give to them so that they are able to give back to their communities in a stronger manner, said Shaheen Anam, Executive Director, Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF).
BYLC to hold virtual Youth Carnival 2020 on December 19
To celebrate the unwavering spirit of youth even in the face of a global pandemic, Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center (BYLC) will be hosting its second youth carnival on December 19, 2020.
At a time when things seem bleak and the future seems uncertain, the youth around the country have remained resilient in face of adversity, practicing leadership even in times of crisis the carnival will focus on celebrating the spirit of youth while promoting the importance of developing 21st century professional and leadership skills, and advocating stories of active citizenship, justice, and inclusiveness in societies as exercised by young people.