Published: 03 August 2021
Let these HR solution providers do the heavy lifting for you - this edition of the roundup has news about industry acquisitions, bullish hiring plans, and more.
In this section, our readers can look forward to key updates from HR solution providers - from new product developments and launches, to industry moves and shake-ups.
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The Access Group completes acquisition of Sage Group’s Asia and Australia businesses
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Access Group and Sage shake up APAC leadership after acquisitions
The Access Group nabs Kerry Agiasotis while Sage promotes Arlene Wherrett.
Arlene Wherrett (Sage) Credit: Sage
Following the acquisition of Sage Group’s businesses in Australia and Asia by The Access Group, new Asia Pacific (APAC) heads have been appointed for the two vendors.
Following the completion of the acquisitions which were first announced in December 2020 and included Sage’s Australian HandiSoft accounting and MicrOpay and WageEasy compliant payroll solutions, as well as the EasyPay payroll solution in Singapore and UBS Accounting software in Malaysia Sage s former managing director of APAC and Australia, Kerry Agiasotis, has moved over to The Access Group.