Duane Lucas Pascua explains his art
People often say that watercolor is the most difficult medium to paint with. It dries easily and can be quite tedious when it comes to combining colors. On the opposite end, some say that the easiest is pen and ink. After all, who has not tried to doodle a few f
January 2, 2021, 7:33 pm
In less than 18 hours left to own Global Warning, The art collectable by the mighty Kerby Rosanes who’s known for his love for nature and his signature black and white art. The ice is getting thinner and the lonely polar bear is left to fend for himself. Standing 8″ tall, this thought-provoking piece Might Jaxx first collaboration with artist Kerby Rosanes. Made from polystone, the layers of the piece are achieved through a double casting method whereby the opaque skull and bear are cast within the ice. , Mighty Jaxx has begun the transition from From 2D illustration to 3D art collectable.