Address the problem. Without objection, the chair may declare a recess at any time. I want to go through our usual housekeeping matters. Todays session will be conducted on an unclassified basis. All participates should refrain from discussing any classified or other information protected from public disclosure. Second, the committee is conducting this virtual hearing in compliance with House Resolution 965. It is being broadcast live on the committees website. Because of the threat posed by the covid19 pandemic remains ongoing, were proceeding with this hearing remotely in order to ensure the safety of our witnesses, members, staff and public. While we wish we could return to all standard inperson events, health and safety protocols dictate we find alternate means of carrying out our oversight obligations. Okay. So let me remind members of a few remote hearing procedures. First, consistent with the regulations, the committee will keep microphones muted to limit background noise. Membe
A prominent disinformation scholar is accusing Harvard University in a whistleblower disclosure of muzzling her speech and stifling — then dismantling — her research team as it launched a deep
A prominent disinformation scholar who left Harvard University in August has accused the school of muzzling her speech and stifling then dismantling her.