“Hawaii Stars,” a cherished television program, has been a beacon of Aloha State talent for years, showcasing a diverse array of skills and heartfelt stories. Hosted by the dynamic duo, Kimo Kahoano and Carole Kai, the show has become a cultural touchstone, promoting Hawaiian arts, culture, and community spirit both locally and internationally. Established in 1992, the Hawaii Stars brand […]
Last weekend a Kauai surfer was attacked by a "12 to 15-foot" tiger shark while surfing Hanalei Bay. He fought off the shark without losing any limbs and is on the mend. Over 20 years ago Mike Coots lost his leg to a tiger shark while surfing Kauai when he was 18 years old, and Hawaii News .
The Na Koa Cohort has been volunteering with Shinnyo Lantern Floating Hawai‘i since 2013. The cohort was started as a program to promote resiliency among members of the Hawai‘i National Guard. Former Hawaii State Adjutant General and Retired Major General of the U.S. Air Force and Hawaii Air National Guard — Darryll Wong and Retired […]
Located just five minutes from one of Hawaii’s most stunning ocean playgrounds, Kailua Beach Center offers everything you need for a perfect day at the beach. From water sport rentals to delicious eats and trendy apparel. Along with a variety of merchants catering to both locals and tourists, Kailua Beach Center’s truly embodies the spirit […]
In the Season 3 premiere of Empowered Hawaii, hosts Jeff Mikulina and Kelly Simek dive into the inspiring world of sustainability by visiting the Kokua Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting environmental education in Hawaii’s schools and communities. Founded by musician Jack Johnson and his wife Kim, the Kokua Foundation is on a mission […]