The Virginia Thurston Healing Garden is hoping to provide more comfort and wellness to cancer patients through a $60,000 grant from the Greater Lowell Community Foundation (GLCF). These funds will support the center's Empowering Resilience Program, which aims to enhance psychosocial cancer support services for Nashoba Valley residents.
Kelly Marchand of London, Ont., is thankful her seven-year-old daughter Charlotte, who has cystic fibrosis, is finally taking a prescription medication that some doctors describe as life changing.
Barb Limbacher
Tuesday meeting
KEY ACTION: Entered a resolution with the Stark County Schools Council of Governments Cooperative to advertise and receive bids for an integrated school bus.
DISCUSSION: The district is seeking bids for a 72-passenger bus.
Issued one-year supplemental head coaching contracts to Chad Butcher, varsity girls’ basketball; Jeremy Ady, varsity boys’ basketball; Aaron Sarbaugh, varsity football; Ben Russell, cross country; Phil Glasgow, girls’ golf; and Marla Terrell volleyball.
Granted one-year supplemental contracts to non-district teachers or coaches to the following: Kelly Hysong, assistant softball; and Kelly Marchand, Joel Marchand and Mike Fowler, all volunteer track.