The Lagos State Police Command is set to arraign a man, Keji Ademola who allegedly brutalised and hit his former wife, Mary Olohunwa, with heavy stones before Ogba Magistrate Court 1, In Ikeja. SaharaReporters had reported how Mary landed in hospital after she was hit by Keji Ademola. A relation of Mary who spoke to SaharaReporters on Monday said she was accosted on her way to her shop last Thursday by her ex-husband who beat her and hit her with heavy stones.
A woman, one Mary Olohunwa, is currently hospitalised after a severe attack by her ex-husband, Keji Ademola, in Bako Estate, in the Owode Onírin area of Lagos
A woman identified as Mary Olohunwa is currently in hospital after she was brutalised by her ex-husband, Keji Ademola in Bako Estate in Lagos, southwest Nigeria. The estate is in the Owode Onirin area of the state. A relation of Mary who spoke to SaharaReporters on Monday said she was accosted on her way to her shop last Thursday by her ex-husband who beat her and hit her with a heavy stone.