Administration to withdraw from the paris climate agreement. Trump begins formal withdrawal from paris trying climate agreement. Potentially wrapping up just one day before the 2020 election. Remind us, what is the paris climate agreement . It is part of the united nate works United Nations agreement to reduce greenhouse kitchens under the notion we have to do something about Climate Change. This paris accord was different than its predecessors and that each country submitted its own nationally determined contribution to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions. SetObama Administration forth a plan largely based on domestic accreditation that we need to reduce Greenhouse Gas below 2005 levels by 2025. Throughout the years continuing to ratchet down emis sions. Trump camepresident into office he campaigned on withdrawing from the paris climate agreement area it is not news that we are doing this but this is a whole process that takes time. The process for withdrawal has been a threeyear process.
Pat Martin of Rindge received the New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ’s Environmental Justice award Friday morning. Martin was presented the award by Rev. Robert Grabill of Church Of Christ – Dartmouth College at the weekly climate.