biden. take a look. you didn t have any extensive knowledge about natural gas or ukraine itself, though? no, but i think i had as much knowledge as anybody else who was on the board. and b the list you gave me of the reasons why you are on that board, you did not list the fact you were the son of the vice president. what role do you think that played? i think it is impossible for me to be on any of the boards i just mentioned without saying i am the son of the vice president of the united states. speak with your last name wasn t biden comedy think you have been keasked to be on the board of burisma? i don t know. i don t know. probably not. a lot of things wouldn t have it in my life cometh my last name wasn t t biden. sean: you part quid pro quo on tape, joe biden, six hours, i will give you the billion dollars. but only if you fire the guy investigating my son. hunter gets hired, paid millions because his father, yeah, second most powerful person in the
clinton, he could work with the compliance on welfare reform. he did manage to do that. bernie sanders said he can get elected. he can do what no one else can do, bring in new voters. he will bring them into the process. easked him specifically about health care. i said, bernie, you and i were there. we couldn t even get a public option. i pointed out a majority of americans don t, so you know he s impugning to the american people some positions that he has that they don t share. and there was a moment in the debate when jim webb took a pretty big swipe at bernie sanders when he said, listen, the bernie sander s revolution isn t going to happen, congress