[laughter] juan: it s obvious. what a different tone for sotomayor s swearing-in versus last night. last night was revenge of the republicans. republicans in the end zone doing a dance. so to me, the apology out of alignment totally. remember, the poll we showed a moment ago, gosh, we didn t show you but guess what. most americans disapproved of the way republicans handled it as well. dana: more so the democrats. juan: no, i think it s about the same. 51% of americans did not approve of this man s confirmation. in addition, a majority of americans believed professor ford, not justice kavanaugh. this is going to go on for sometime and if you want to get into women, dana, american women are overwhelming in their disapproval of kavanaugh. when you hear people say oh, my gosh, what we see here is president trump basically having
the justices do not sit on opposite sides of an aisle. we do not caucus in separate rooms. the supreme court is a team of nine. and i will always be a team player on the team of nine. i was not appointed to serve one party or one interest. but to serve one nation. every lit gadget in the supreme court can be assured that i will listen to their arguments with respect and an open mind. steve: right. and that s exactly what you want to hear somebody say as they go into a big job for life. his wife ashley was there along with their two daughters liza and margaret. the president referred to him as a man of courage and decency and kindness. what was extraordinary about the president s remarks were the way he apologized to justifiable kavanaugh for his treatment by the senate. listen. on behalf of our nation, i want to apologize to bret bret
right there. brian: all the supreme court justices were there including the newest one. brett kavanaugh. i think it was a show of unity even though it s a republican president. some people say mostly republicans in the room. the other thing is i thought mitch mcconnell s standing ovation said a lot. is he not the most charismatic guy in the world. he has made a huge impact on that court. also was relentless in his effort and resourceful in his effort to make sure kavanaugh passed. steve: sure, the president of the united states has been highly critical of mitch mcconnell in the past. there you can see him in the center of the screen right there. but for the president, he delivered. as for mr. kavanaugh, he said exactly what people wanted to hear and that is on we are on the same team, folks. the supreme court is an institution of law it is not a partisan or political institution. the justices do not sit on opposite sides of an aisle. we do no caucus in separate
like there was any grace extended to brett kavanaugh. juan: i disagree. one of the republicans trickle arguments republicans make is that it was a mob, no due process. this wasn t a trial. whether he was telling the trut truth. in that case, he failed. jesse: he has a robe on. dana: voting. jesse: he s going to be there his whole life. juan: you can run over people but people remember. jesse: is not called running over when it s the majority. dana: hillary clinton calling for incivility against republicans. can you believe that? ahead on the five . with chantix. i tried to quit smoking for years on my own. i couldn t do it. i needed help. for me, chantix worked.
journalist sally quinn is a the washington post contributor founding editor of the decision forum on faith. she was married to ben bradley for many years. what we did not know until realy she too is a survivor. she writes about her experience in finding magic. she joins us now. thanks so much for being with us. i wonder what your response is to the president s comments, saying kavanaugh has been proven flnts, what happened was a campaign of political and personal destruction based on lies and deception. those were two words that stuck out to me, lies and deception u. because rhoers he doesn t know whether they were lies or deception. he s just made that up. the other thing that stuck out is when he said he s been proven innocent, which of course he has not been proven innocent. kavanaugh tonight was the choirboy and not the frat boy we had seen during the hearings, but i mean what the president