Discover the significance of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's recent remand and his requests for reading material during his jail term. Explore his philosophical references to The Bhagavad Gita and Ramayana, alongside his insights into political decision-making from the book "How Prime Ministers Decide."
Union home minister Amit Shah on Sunday likened the upcoming general elections to the battle of Mahabharata, and said people will have to choose between the “Kauravas”, represented by the Congress-led INDIA bloc, and the “Pandavas”, represented by the Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA). | Latest News India
Wisdom lies in accepting facts & making the best of them. It’s no disrespect to India’s navy to acknowledge that it was an imperial creation and fulfilled its stated purpose with courage & dignity
While Vidur-niti seems like a confused collection of platitudes on polity, governance, conduct and spirituality, it does seem to have a logical flow over eight chapters. First, it lists the qualities of intelligence and stupidity. Then it speaks of the value of controlling the senses and the tongue. Then it speaks of the value of rising above jealousy. Then it speaks of how great families lose their greatness by quarrelling with kinsmen.
India News: The events described in the Mahabharata are a thousand years older than the epic itself. The latter was penned by the Brahmins with a clear agenda, se