bigger than a lot of people projected. it is the first republican woman to beo sent to the house from e state of georgia. the president congratulating karen handel tonight. he tweeted a number of times about this race. he senior advisor, kellyanne conway, tweeting this.nw that sets the stage for our panel tonight. let s bring in our panel. charles heard, picking editor for the washington post. annana palmer, and katie pavlic. charlie, big night for the president. big night for the white house. aho speaker without a doubt. for the past six weeks or more, we have been told that this is going to be a referendum on the president. as kellyanne conway pointed out in her twitteran message, he
we have a lot of work to do. we have a lot of work to do, a lot of problems that we need to solve. so far, we are racking up wins. we have now lost one of these elections yet. the president will support republicans are bent onhe the ticket, especially to maintain our majorities in the house in the senate as we move forward. karen is keeping it local and she will come to washington and be a support to the white house and help us repeal and replace obamacare, past tax reform, and get jobs coming back to the district. bret: there is a lot of hope on the republican side, and perhaps, some wind in theirr sails for the agenda on capitol hill. we are back with our panel. katie, what does this do? we have a a senate health care bill, repeal and replace, we are expecting it is the we are expecting to see something about it on thursday. concern about getting theom 50 volts.
yeah. what do you say? sean, i agree. overly broad political statements are dangerous to make in police car. he knows it. he made a mistake. made a mistake. he made a mistake. and the american people shouldn t have believed him. at the end of the day when you have people signing up for insurance, getting insurance that works, that covers all the conditions, i think the numbers will change around. katie, i don t know. igor is trying. it s a hard thing for a left person to answer. why does it get in my craw? those people are suffering and a president lied to them. this is the thing. on a serious note, the way chris matthews didn t ask the question the way the president hasn t been asked the question directly and hasn t directly come out and addressed these families and these individuals losing their health insurance and aren t getting put into a better marketplace, i m sorry. but they are not going to get better coverage.
they can t sign up for obama care through the exchanges and they are seeing premiums triple. for young women it s going up 19 t 93%. explain to me how they are getting better coverage. they don t have coverage. 5 million people lost insurance. to my broader point, chris matthews is not asking the question and president obama continually dodging it and people like you dodging the question shows you don t appreciate or you never respected the fact that these people are losing their insurance and these are real people dealing with real problems who lost insurance coverage and they need help. katie, i respect the fact that people who lost insurance are upset. they heard their president say they can keep their coverage and now they can t. the president made an overly broad statement. i agree. i think at the end of the day he lied. those people this is a lie. let s walk through this one more
saying. talk about the bach ground to the belief we have a social responsibility, a moral responsibility for people who haven t made it. i have to ask you a questn you may not like to answer. uh-oh. this could be tough. an es kay question. okay. the qualities required of a president. vice president joe biden, former secretary of state hillary clinton. compare and contrast. not chance. here with reaction to the lovefest, katie pavlic and managing editor at they don t like me. igov valski is with us. how are you? sean, we love you. i don t know about that. open arms. i don t have a problem that matthews worships, adores, has an obamagasm at the sight of of the guy. i like making fun. here s the point. even though it will be a