Norwich ― When he emerged from his cocoon of sleeping bags and blankets inside an abandoned building in Norwich on Saturday morning, 54-year-old Jason Slover said it felt like it took several hours be.
Norwich ― Local faith leaders and human services agencies hope to open a cold weather emergency overnight center in Norwich in response to a sharp rise in homelessness.
The Norwich Area Interfaith Ass.
Norwich ― A new metal box was installed Thursday outside the Taftville Volunteer Fire Department and was stocked later that day with small boxes, each containing two doses of Narcan, the opioid overdo.
Norwich ― Norwich Public Utilities could become the first utility in the state to offer a discounted electric rate to customers in low-income brackets with deeper discounts proposed for families who a.
Norwich ― About 14 people who live in what the city calls an illegal downtown boarding house are not sure where they will live after learning the city plans to condemn the property at 39-41 Cliff St. .