As many as 6.84 lakh students on Friday appeared for the II PUC (Class 12) examinations in Karnataka amid tight security against the backdrop of the hijab row.
As many as 6.84 lakh students on Friday appeared for the II PUC (Class 12) examinations in Karnataka amid tight security against the backdrop of government s ban on Hijab.
Almas A.H., a second PUC (Class 12) student from Udupi Girl s Pre-University College, one among the six girls who started a protest on Hijab in Karnataka which went on to become a major crisis in the state, has said that it was not just to deny education for a piece of cloth.
Karnataka High Court Chief Justice (CJ) Ritu Raj Awasthi has asked the Advocate General (AG) Prabhuling Navadgi, who is representing the government, to complete his submissions at the earliest.