The exit poll predictions for the high-stakes Karnataka Assembly elections are expected to be released after 6 pm, with voting concluding on May 12. The state saw a three-way battle between BJP, Congress, and Janata Dal-Secular to lead the next government. The BJP hopes to create history by obtaining a simple majority, while the Congress wants to make a comeback to power, and JD(S) wants a significant role in the formation of government as a king-maker. The final picture will be declared when the counting of votes takes place on May 13., India News, Times Now
Times Now-ETG Karnataka Election Exit Poll Result 2023: Congress Set to Get Majority With 113 Seats; CM Bommai Says Wait Till May 13, India News, Times Now
Times Now-ETG Karnataka Election Exit Poll Result 2023: Congress Set to Get Majority With 113 Seats; CM Bommai Says Wait Till May 13, India News, Times Now