RANAU: Sabah Finance Minister, Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun, launched a RM63.8 million water infrastructure project here, last Sunday, significantly enhancing water quality and availability in the area.
RANAU: The Ar-Rahman Mosque in town, which is almost completed, will be opened temporarily for worshippers to perform the Solat Sunat Aidilfitri on 1 Syawal this year.
Momentous year
THIS year is a momentous year for Sabah as we are celebrating its ‘official’ birthday for the first time after 60 years. I remember the disappointment of many Sabahans when Malaysia was not inaugurated as scheduled on Aug 31, 1963 but nevertheless proceeded to declare a self-government on the same day. For many this was equivalent to independence.
RANAU: More than 2,000 people visited the Hari Raya Aidilfitri Open House, Sabah State Finance Minister, Datuk Seri Masidi Manjun, which was also attended by distinguished guests at the Ranau Community Hall on Saturday.