Kota Kinabalu: Retail businesses in Sabah can expect a boost with thousands of Sabah Employees Provident Fund members thronging EPF offices statewide since Monday to activate their new Akaun Fleksibel (Flexible Account).
A Daily Express check on the long queues of young and mid-aged adults below 55 at the EPF HQ in Karamunsing showed higher cost-of-living issues were foremost on the minds of the applicants.
CITY HALL staff have been asked to be more mindful about the condition of the greenery growing along roads under its jurisdiction and has asked rate-payers to do the same for the vegetation they plant in the common land outside their fences.
Kota Kinabalu: The headquarters of Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) at the old Wisma SESB here will be moved to a new building for safety reasons, the OCDN has been reported
SESB has been operating for almost 50 years at Wisma SESB, once housing Sabah politicians' offices and now the office of the SESB chairman.