Sunshine Coast high school dropout Benjamin Nelson, 28, boasts of having made $800,000 by trading the digital currency Bitcoin, despite earning less than $40,000 a year as an IT worker.
Crime by Vanda Carson
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Subscriber only TWO glamorous young Queensland women face being stripped of extravagances an ex-boyfriend lavished on them after police allege it was bought with tainted laundered money. The women are linked to an alleged money launderer, Benjamin Thomas Nelson, who has a purported $10m bitcoin fortune. Instagram influencer Tori Maddison Preiss, 25, from Caloundra West is facing the loss of her $75,000 black Audi A5 cabriolet that the Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) alleges was bought with dirty Bitcoin, suspected to be from drug sales or other illegal activity. Ms Preiss is also facing a bid to freeze cash in four bank accounts in her name, including one account which received $220,000 from a Bitcoin account, plus a $100,000 term deposit, in moves made under laws aimed at stripping assets from alleged criminals, even before they are convicted of any crimes.