Poll strategist Sunil Kanugolu, also known as the 'New Prashant Kishor', who is largely being credited for Congress party's victory in Telangana, was snubbed by state party leadership in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. Notably, he was also the architect of the grand old party's return to power in Karnataka., Elections News, Times Now
Bengaluru News Live Updates: Kanugolu is among the Congress core team members behind developing campaigns such as “40 per cent” and “PayCM” against the previous BJP government in Karnataka.
Poll strategist Sunil Kanugolu has been appointed as the chief advisor to Chief Minister Siddaramaiah with cabinet minister status, said the Karnataka Chief Minister s Office.
Kanugolu was brought into Congress fold in May last year and since then he has worked as a strategist for the party and was responsible for preparing surveys, campaigning, deciding candidates, and winning strategy in Karnataka, and his work played a crucial role.Kanu