Karataka Damanaka, directed by Yogaraj Bhat, stars Shivarajkumar and Prabhu Deva. Premiered in theaters, its set for an OTT release on Amazon Prime in May 2024. Stay tuned for updates on this eagerly anticipated digital debut!
Experience the romantic drama Juni on Amazon Prime! Directed by Vaibhav Mahadev, starring Pruthvi Ambaar and Rishika Naik. A unique storyline awaits viewers on April 5.
Yash s upcoming film Toxic, helmed by director Geetu Mohandas is all set to start the shoot soon. Meanwhile, the first schedule of the flick is going to start in Karnataka soon.
According to our sources, Yash starrer Toxic is set to have a total of three leading ladies in the film. Kareena Kapoor Khan and Kiara Advani are locked.