“The Roundup: Punishment,” the fourth installment of the country’s most successful crime action franchise, features two new villains. Because the audience still remains captivated by the first installment’s Jang Chen (Yoon Kye-sang), an ethnic Korean gangster from Harbin who collects debts, and the second installment’s psychopathic serial killer, Kang Hae-sang (Son Suk-ku), many moviegoe.
As the year comes to a close, Viki has rounded up the 10 movies that were most-watched on the platform this year. If you’re looking for a film to watch this holiday season, start with one of these movies below! Here are the top 10 Korean films on Viki in 2022: 1. “Seo Bok” Min
This year, the theater is dominated by top-tier actors Son Seok Koo, Im Siwan, and Byun Yo Han. They are heating up the cinemas with their transformations as dangerous villains.
#SonSeokKoo #ImSiwan #ByunYoHan