Gujarat has a new Assembly, days after the ruling BJP won an unprecedented seventh term in office. Recently, the Association for Democratic Reforms released a report on the new MLAs, detailing their criminal, financial, and other records.
While Gujarat has been a BJP-ruled state, the major contest in Gujarat elections is between BJP and Congress and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) political parties
Gujarat Assembly Election 2022 Phase 1 polling today: According to the Election Commission of India, the voting will begin at 8 AM and conclude at 5 PM. A total of 39 political parties are contesting in the elections and have fielded 788 candidates including 718 male candidates and 70 women candidates.
The people of Gujarat is all set to vote for the first phase of the assembly elections on Thursday after the intense campaigning by all the political parties.
The people of Gujarat are all set to vote for the first phase of the assembly elections on Thursday after intense campaigning by all the political parties.