Tamil Nadu is the celebrated home of the ‘social justice’ movement in the country, yet caste differences and violence has only been increasing in numbers and becoming more brutal in recent years By N SATHIYA MOORTHY The recent brutal attack on a 17-year-old school student and his 14-year-old sister in their home at Nanguneri in
Tamil Nadu is the celebrated home of the social justice movement in the country, yet caste differences and violence has only been increasing in numbers and becoming more brutal in recent years, observes N Sathiya Moorthy.
BJPâs Electoral Strategy for Tamil Nadu in 2021 is the De-Dravidisation of State Politics
With the Hindutva wave seemingly at its peak across India, the BJP has staged a few theatrics to cement its hold in the state.
A BJP supporter carries the party s flag. Photo: Reuters
As Tamil Nadu heads towards assembly elections this year, the Bharatiya Janata Party at the Centre and the AIADMK-led government in the state can sense the ascendance of the DMK and seem determined to base their strategy on issues such as OBC reservation and religion-related controversies.
Realising the political dynamics of caste in Tamil Nadu, the BJP was the first political party to appoint a Nadar woman (Sudra caste) Tamilisai Soundararajan as the governor of Telangana and appointed two Dalit workers, L. Murugan and V.P. Duraisamy, as president and vice-president of BJP’s state unit, respectively.