AMS Assembly convened Feb. 17 to discuss some services’ move to the LaSalle building, Orientation Week for the upcoming year, managing partying on St. Patrick’s Day, and the upcoming rector election.
In the only uncontested election, Christina Bisol was announced as the next EngSoc President.
“I’m really excited to incorporate all the ideas brought to light in this campaigning period into my presidency,” Bisol said. “Thank you so much.”
Current senators Peter Matthews and Jeremy Nguyen introduced Shashank Ojha as the next Junior Senator.
“The person taking on my role is somebody that I saw a lot of promise in,” Nguyen said. “His platform really speaks to the reasons I ran as well.”
Ojha referenced the hard work of his competitor Luka Clancy in his acceptance.
“I’m definitely very excited for this role and I’m glad, Luka, that our platforms are aligned,” Ojha said. “I’ll fight to make sure your views are represented as much as mine in the Senate because they are so important.”