Peter Nygard’s downfall was set in motion by a Toronto therapist, veteran #MeToo lawyers, a billionaire “arch-enemy” and — most of all — the well-over 100 women who have levelled allegations against the ex-fashion mogul.
Peter Nygard - who once hosted Prince Andrew (pictured) in the Bahamas - was found guilty of assaulting four women at his Toronto home after luring them into a room without a door handle.
TORONTO Peter Nygard, who once led a women's fashion empire, was found guilty of four counts of sexual assault on Sunday but was acquitted of a fifth count, plus a charge of forcible confinement.
“For too many years, allegations like the ones made against Mr. Nygard have been swept under the carpet, hushed up, or ignored, leaving the victims feeling that coming forward was a big mistake,” the justice of the peace said.