After graduating from college, Judge Eugene Lucci spent his days enforcing the law. By night, he was gaining a greater knowledge about the laws he was sworn to enforce.
The Supreme Court reversed the First District Court of Appeals, which found that then 16-year-old Timothy Williams could not face a charge in adult court that the juvenile court did not transfer during a bindover proceeding.
A Clark County man was entitled to argue self-defense when he intentionally shot toward a person, and was not required to show he intended to kill or harm the man who threatened him, the Supreme Court of Ohio ruled recently.
A state law that allowed cities to temporarily collect income tax from individuals working from home but who lived outside of city limits during the COVID-19 pandemic was constitutional, the Supreme Court of Ohio ruled Wednesday.
The Ohio General Assembly properly used its tax authority when it temporarily allowed municipalities to tax the income of telecommuters working remotely for in-city employers during the Covid-19 pandemic, the state high court ruled Wednesday.