Environmental initiatives. [ applause ] governor, i would like to welcome you and look forward to what you have to say in the state of the state. Thank you, mr. Speaker, Lieutenant Governor long, mr. Speaker, mr. President pro tim, members of the 150th General Assembly, members of my cabinet, distinguished members of the judiciary, invited guests and my fellow delawarians, thank you, mr. Speaker, for inviting me today. Its a great privilege, and its great to be here with all of you. Before i get started, a point of personal privilege, if i may. Were joined today by my beautiful mother ann carney. [ applause ] she always gets the loudest applause. I told her that at least there would be one person in the chamber who would be cheering for me. Not bad. She raised nine children and taught school for 30 years and is here with us today, and she will be leading the applause so keep your eye on her. Mom is here with my brothers mike and joe. Joes wife gail, my brotherinlaw who you all know bre
Here’s a look at how area members of Congress voted over the previous week.HOUSE VOTESWESTERN SALT LAKES: The House has passed the Saline Lake Ecosystems in the Great Basin States Program Act (S. 1466), sponsored by Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., to.