The last Congress delivered a big win for atrocity accountability by passing the Justice for Victims of War Crimes Act, which President Joe Biden signed into law in January of this year. The law clos…
Councilmembers Perry, Pelaez, and Courage abstained from the ministerial vote that was required following the city clerk’s verification of more than 20,000 signatures endorsing the criminal justice reform city charter amendment.
The lawsuit argues the criminal justice reform initiative must be pulled from the May ballot because it contains multiple subjects, which is against state law for city charter amendments. Representatives for the organizations supporting the initiative says that's not true.
Marybeth was at a loss for words. Not a bark or even her trademark snore on retirement day, after serving the Yamhill County Courthouse as its facility dog for nine .
Marybeth was at a loss for words. Not a bark or even her trademark snore on retirement day, after serving the Yamhill County Courthouse as its facility dog for nine .