The meticulous and whimsical world of Mathemalchemy has come to Northern Kentucky University. The traveling installation mixes art and mathematics in a variety of media, including but not limited to: 3D print, ceramics, crochet, cross-stitching, metal, paper, painting, clay, quilt, stained glass, wood and lights. The installation will occupy the fourth floor of the Mathematics,.
LEWISTOWN Museum Day, hosted by the Juniata River Valley Visitors Bureau, Mifflin County Historical Society, Kishacoquillas Valley Historical Society and the Huntingdon County History and Heritage Roundtable, is Saturday Sept. 16, 2023 from 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. (Unless noted otherwise). The event is free. Participating sites: Mifflin County: Mifflin County Historical Society Library McCoy […]
Juniata College hosts symposium Liberal Arts Symposium, a Juniata College academic tradition known as Mountain Day of the Mind, will be at various locations t
Mathemalchemy, on view at the 808 Gallery through March 4, uses mixed-media storytelling by two dozen artistic mathematicians and mathematical artists to demonstrate advanced mathematical principles and invite viewers into the playful world of mathematics.