Deputy Chief Minister and Energy Minister Devendra Fadnavis had instructed the MSEDCL to prioritize the implementation of the scheme launched under the PM Janman Yojana to provide the benefit of all schemes to PVTG.
Prior to that the average speed of new electricity connection was 15,000 to 16,000 per month in two-three years, now it has gone up to 19,900 per month, an official statement from MSEDCL stated today.
In the past, during heavy rains, the water level was seen rising up to the power meters and the power utility has urged citizens to immediately contact them so as to avoid any untoward incident.
According to an official of Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL), the special drive is being carried out by the power utility in addition to the regular action of disconnection of supply if consumers failed to pay their long-pending bills.
The MSETCL said maintenance and repair works necessitated the cut. With day temperatures nearing 40 degrees Celsius, the residents are upset with the power cut