KINGSTON, N.Y. Drug packaging materials, large quantities of a “white powdery substance,” a scale and assault weapons found in one defendant’s Newburgh home by state police point to a motive in the 2023 murder of Daniel Spotards, Ulster County District Attorney Emmanuel Nneji said in court Wednesday. The two brothers who are charged with […]
KINGSTON, N.Y. A small baggie containing an unidentified “white powder” was found only a few feet from where Daniel Spotards’ body was discovered on his Plattekill driveway, the first state trooper on the scene said during the trial of his alleged killers in Ulster County Court on Friday. At about 5:50 p.m. Jan. 1, […]
KINGSTON, N.Y. Autopsy photos of Daniel Spotards are “evidence of an execution,” and are so “horrifying” and “graphic,” that they were ruled inadmissible and kept from jurors by Judge Stephen Schick. Medical examiner Dr. Kia Newman testified Thursday that Spotards, 42, was shot eight times, including in the forehead, cheek and neck. Spotards was […]