October 12, 1937 ~ December 24, 2020
After many attempts knocking at her door, death did so once again during the early hours of Christmas Eve, and Betty finally answered.
Betty Clark Francis was born October 12, 1937, in American Fork, Utah, to James Sylvester and Vera B. Clark. Her arrival came one day following her beloved mother s birthday.
Betty grew up in north Provo on family land settled by grandparents of the Walton/Brereton lineage. Her father, Sylvester, and grandfather, Earl Clark, built their home, which became a haven that she loved.
Betty inherited her rich musical talent from both parents. At the age of three, she began piano lessons, and from that moment on, her hands became one with the piano keys. Evidence of her prodigy was immediate, and getting her to quit practicing long enough to eat was a challenge. School choirs were blessed by her piano and organ accompaniments, and Betty used her extraordinary talent to bless the lives of countless recipients throughou