Virginia’s List endorses Andria McClellan for lieutenant governor
Published Friday, May. 7, 2021, 11:21 am
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Andria McClellan
Virginia’s List, an organization dedicated to electing progressive women to the Virginia General Assembly and statewide elected offices, is endorsing Norfolk Councilmember Andria McClellan for lieutenant governor.
“Andria’s 30 years of leadership experience in the private sector, non-profit arena and local government gives her a unique perspective and will make her a strong voice for solving problems and supporting every Virginian,” said Julie Jakopic, chair of Virginia’s List. “Virginia’s List is proud to support her campaign for lieutenant governor and look forward to her continued work to expand opportunity for all Virginians.”
The race for the 45th District House of Delegates seat is a weird one.
Delegate Mark Levine announced in December that he would be running for Lieutenant Governor. A month later, Alexandria Vice Mayor Elizabeth Bennett-Parker announced that she would be running for Levine’s delegate seat. The wrinkle in all of this, however, is that Levine is also running for reelection in the 45th district as a precaution in case he doesn’t win the fairly crowded Lieutenant Governor primary.
He’s not alone in this running for two seats is legal in Virginia but it leaves the 45th district in an awkward Schrödinger’s cat-type race where Bennett-Parker is simultaneously running and not running against Levine.