Days take on a life of their own. I want to say good morning. Good morning, dr. Collins, welcome back to hhs to the appropriations subcommittee. Let me just say a thank you on behalf of the on behalf of the sub come they for hosting members of the subcommittee for the site visit at the nih campus last week. We had a real wonderful opportunity to learn more about nihs work. We met with the researchers who were working to cure Sickle Cell Disease and develop treatments for major depression and shrink cancer tumors in children. We heard from participants whose lives have been changed by Clinical Trials and it was a moving and informative, but a very moving experience, as well. Let me welcome our witnesses including the five institute and senate directors who join us today and in addition, and always a great addition, dr. Francis collins and joined us many times director of the National Institutes of health today joined by dr. Bruce tromberg director of biomedical engineer, the director of
A show its the show ends so more people seeds but when you dont win this treats you up on the casing with everybody. The 1st time i talk in this thing to you pop music i definitely just like. The message was quite a burst strong about hope people was suffering and automatically i deceive myself this is exactly the kind of music that can feed your dumb movie. And the reason i love fashion is because of them harlem and they make the share and theyre proud and its also something that you can teach a lot of people. I believe in moments much and i know that they have so much strength and courage and i love to maximize their potential because i know that they have the potential. In 6 trafficking and violence bodies of video but in fact most of the time when the violence happened somebody is controlling the body when im doing that dance and move me i am the control of the body i am lividity mindset and that physical experience that this is my body being i mean our lives. To. Do the pieces we
W. Good if you do special because when you do art in your room in your home. Is just for you and sometimes youll make a showing. Some more people seeds but when you go in this treats you up on the cake scene with everybody. The 1st time i thought in this name to hip hop music i definitely need to say thank you. The message was quite burst strong about how people was suffering and automatically i just say to myself this is its up to the kind of music that can keep your dumb mv. The reason i love fashion and it is because of empowering women they make the shirt and theyre proud and its also something that you can teach a lot of people. I believe in women so much and i know that they have so much strength and courage and i love to maximize their potential because i know that they have the potential. In 6 trafficking and violence bodies of video bought in fact most of the time when the violence happen somebody else is controlling the body when im doing the dance and leave me i am the contr
Collins and other and i age leaders testify before House Appropriations subcommittee on funding and research efforts. This is about 21 2 hours. The subcommittee will come to order. Thank you very much and apologize for being late. They take on a life of their own. I wanted to say good morning, welcome back to labor hhs, appropriations subcommittee. Let me say thank you on behalf of of the subcommittee for hosting members of the subcommittee for the site visit at the nih campus last week. We had a wonderful opportunity to learn more about nihs work, we learned about researchers working to develop treatments for major depression, shrinkage free cancer tumors in children, we heard from participants whose lives have been changed by Clinical Trials so it was a moving and informative experience. Let me welcome our witnesses including the five Institute Center directors who joined us today and in addition, always a great addition doctor Francis Collins, director of the National Institute of h
Just special because when you do art in a room in new york all. Its just for you and sometimes youll make a show its some more people seeds but when you go in this streets you up on the casing with everybody. The 1st time i thought this name to hip hop music i definitely just like. The message was quite bare strong about how people was suffering and automatically i deceived myself this is exactly the kind of music that can keep her dumb maybe. And the reason i love fashion is because of empowering women they make the shirt and theyre proud and its also something that you can teach a lot of people. I believe in woman so much and i know that they have so much strength and courage and i love to maximize their potential because i know that they have the potential. In 6 trafficking and violence bodies a video video game but in fact most of the time when the violence happen somebody else is controlling the body when im doing the dance and move me i am the control not of the body i am davidic