A Delhi court will hold a bail hearing on January 3 for a Wing Commander accused of alleged multiple sexual assaults on a 24-year-old woman who claims to have been an "intern" with the Indian Air Force.The alleged incidents date back .
A lot is being said about Haryana’s Nuh district, part of the notorious Mewat region, since Islamists attacked a Hindu religious procession on July 31.
A Delhi court has rejected bail application of a murder suspect after it was found that he had submitted fraudulent medical documents in support of his plea.The court, presided over by vacation Judge Pawan Kumar, dismissed the application filed .
The FIR was registered on the complaint of one of the investors Lakshay Kumar. He had invested a sum of around Rs 2 lakh and was assured a return of Rs 5 lakh after 12 months. The prosecution alleged the accused persons disappeared after some time.