JSW Paints, an unlisted entity of diversified conglomerate JSW Group, on Tuesday said its revenues touched Rs 1,500 crore in the first nine months of FY24 and is confident of turning profitable in the current fiscal. The company is aiming to close FY24 with a topline of over Rs 2,000 crore, as per an official statement.
The Calcutta High Court recently dismissed an interim injunction application in a suit filed by Berger Paints to restrain JSW Paints from using the term SILK in conjunction with their product range.
Avani Davda: Davda is a seasoned executive having more than two decades of experience and a proven track record in the food and beverages industry including the Tata group.
JSW Steel on Thursday said it has completed the Rs 750 crore investment in JSW Paints Pvt Ltd (JSW Paints). Like JSW Steel, JSW Paints is a group company of Sajjan Jindal-owned JSW Group.