Are you taking advantage of the services you pay for? Whats happening: Most Georgia Southern students pay an athletic fee to support our sports teams and their facilities. How many GS students actually go to the home games they pay for through these fees? Men’s Basketball 2022-23: 4,507 Women’s Basketball 2022-23: 1,659 Football 2022: 16,798.
Chat GPT has become widely used by students to complete their work for classes. What’s new: ChatGPT is an AI chatbot created by OpenAI. It was designed to be a simulated Chatbot for customer service but people have discovered that it can do much more than just customer service. Why it matters: GS Professors are.
Trump turned himself in for arraignment on Tuesday, April 4th 2023. What’s new: For the first time in American history, a former president has been charged with a crime. According to the Washington Post, “The charges do not prevent Trump from running for president in 2024. Even a potential conviction would not disqualify his bid.
A Texas Roadhouse has the possibility of coming to Statesboro. What’s new: “At this time, a Texas Roadhouse is proposed for the location, and we have received site plans for the entire development,” said Justin Williams, Planning and Housing Administrator for the City of Statesboro. “Current designs for the property expected to be more than.
What you need to know about the Health Fee on your Georgia Southern bill. What you pay: Statesboro students pay $94 per semester and Armstrong students pay $20 per semester. What you get: This provides students with access to campus health services. Copays, prescription medicine, immunizations, etc may have additional costs.