Removing or reducing double taxation will lead to more jobs andhigher living standards, will make America more competitive in theglobal economy, and will simplify the tax code.
Senator John Kerry's tax plan slows economic activity until 2011,when it generally adopts President George Bush's approach ofpermanent tax cuts. Even so, the Bush plan consistently outperformsthe Kerry plan. President Bush relies on supply-side tax changeswhile Senator Kerry focuses much of his attention on demand-sidepolicy with targeted tax policy changes that yield the unintendedconsequence of producing a tax cut for high-income taxpayers after2011.
Economic analysts at the Center for Data Analysis (CDA) at TheHeritage Foundation found, in a study of a dividend reformproposal similar to President Bush's, that ending the doubletaxation of dividends would improve the nation's economic growth,employment level, and other economic indicators over the next10 years.
The Faculty Senate met on Nov. 16 to hold Faculty Adjudication Committee elections, discuss the disposal of certain library books and the use of ORCiD for productivity.