On April 5, Moneycontrol reported that Sebi had given the green signal for the Aadhar HF IPO. The firm had refiled its draft initial share sale documents with the market regulator in February
The affordable home financier had refiled its draft initial share sale documents with Sebi on February 2. Moneycontrol was the first to report the re-filing plans of the firm on January 30.
Blackstone Group plans to invest USD 2 billion annually in India, aiming to improve the ease of doing business for firms like it. The New York-based group has been operational in India for nearly two decades and has invested a total of USD 50 billion in the country. The value of its assets, after accounting for exits, stands at USD 30 billion. Over the next five years, the value of assets is expected to rise by USD 25 billion, including USD 17 billion in fresh bets and up to USD 7.5 billion value creation across portfolio companies.