The renowned social psychologist’s new book ‘The Anxious Generation’ is topping US sales charts. The NYU professor believes that people are fed up with social media and are looking for a way out
Emotions aren’t discrete bubbles. They are blending into each other all the time. You might be feeling awe and wonder at the miracle of life, and also realizing
Utah’s new social media laws give parents more say in kids’ access to social media, take aim at youths’ mental health. Experts at the Institute for Family Studies, New York University, San Diego State all warned of depression, loneliness, anxiety, even suicide linked to social media.
The famous US political scientist Francis Fukuyama explains in an interview with why populists and nationalists will fail. The political leaders in these countries are transfiguring the past in a nationalistic nostalgia and not providing adequate solutions. How liberal is our international order? Why are we witnessing a new upsurge of anti-liberal forces right now? Even if there is no automatism for liberal democracy, it is still worth fighting for. Its foundation of human and moral truth , that all people have a minimum of freedom, that they are respected and treated fairly, is universal.