transaction, hourly transactions reported to the irs. as one of my colleagues says, whether you buy a couch or a cow, the irs is going to know about it. i don t know about you but it gives me the creepy vibes. if you want to learn more about it i put a piece on my website at but this is one more example why, at least in my state, president biden is about as popular as a fever blister. they just don t understand this stuff.n and that is why sean: i read they might have medicine for that. i don t know. we should get a list of joe biden the medicine is to kill this bill, and republicans aren t perfect, but there s so many members now, the other side including president biden that are crazy. i mean, i ve never seen anything like this. sean: the idea there s a
does fauci still believe that? and one of the senators trying to force him to answer the tough questions, from the great state of louisiana, senator john kennedy, and, by the way, senator, i strongly, unless you ask me not to, strongly support your re-election. you ve done a phenomenal job as a senator from the great state of louisiana, and you ve become a true leader in the senate. and i have a great admiration for you, sir. well, thank you, sean. my campaign people would beat me about the head and shoulders if i didn t ask folks to go to my website, i put up some cool new pictures and some admonitions to folks like pretty please with sugar on top. stand your ass up for the national anthem and that sort of stuff. but can i say word sean: go ahead. you crack me up. can i say a word about dr. fauci. sean: yes, sir. let me say this about dr. fauci. i know dr. fauci. i like dr. fauci. i respect dr. fauci. but karma, as they say, is a
questions, from the great state of louisiana, senator john kennedy, and, by the way, senator, i strongly, unless you ask me not to, strongly support your re-election. you ve done a phenomenal job as a senator from the great state of louisiana, and you ve become a true leader in the senate. and i have a great admiration for you, sir. well, thank you, sean. my campaign people would beat me about the head and shoulders if i didn t ask folks to go to my website, i put up some new pictures and some admonitions to folks like pretty please with sugar on top. stand your ass up for the national anthem and that sort of stuff. but can i say word sean: go ahead. you crack me up. can i say a word about dr. fauci. sean: yes, sir. let me say this about dr. fauci. i know dr. fauci. i like dr. fauci. i respect dr. fauci.