The virtual brokerage is bringing on Shoeb Ansari to serve as chief information officer, as well as former Remine CEO Leo Pareja to oversee affiliated services.
Inman Connect
EXp Realty was one of the companies best positioned to confront the pandemic. With a fully virtual infrastructure already in place through VirBELA, the virtual world vendor that operates eXp Realty’s virtual platform and is owned by eXp World Holdings, the company didn’t have to do anywhere near the kind of transitioning that many other real estate companies did in 2020.
During the pandemic year, eXp saw its most profitable year ever, posting a net income of $31 million, proving its sticking power through tumultuous times.
EXp has also been aggressively growing its agent ranks of late, a sign that it’s increasingly gaining clout among agents in the industry. As of an earnings report released in March, the company’s year-end agent count had increased 63 percent year over year.