Kenneth Sørensen / Flickr / CC / by-nc-nd
When an international cartel is exposed, the parties involved often face punishment by more than one authority for the same behaviour. There is very little international coordination in the actions of these authorities. Pieter Huizing claims that this can, and must, change. PhD defence on 10 March 2021. Pieter Huizing
Huizing works as a lawyer specialising in competition law at international law firm Allen & Overy in Amsterdam. In 2012 he was seconded to Allen & Overy in Washington where he worked on international cartel investigations. ‘I went there to work for John Terzaken, an American competition law lawyer who was the former Head of Criminal Enforcement at the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice. In this position, Terzaken had gained experience on how international cartel investigations are carried out and how the coordination between authorities could be improved. Together, we wrote a s