People who work day-to-day, blue-collar, service jobs intersect most of our lives all the time, but we don’t give many if any of them a second thought. The pseudo-cheery teenager handing us our order at the drive-thru window. The bedraggled serviceperson who came out to replace the worn-out element in our water
Revisit the story of the dust bowl and hear the remarkable story of the determined people who endured drought, dust, disease and even death for nearly a decade. Tune in or livestream ‘American Experience: Surviving the Dust Bowl’ Wed, Aug. 31 at 9pm on WSIU TV.
Travel back to the 1930s, when dust storms ravaged the parched and overplowed southern plains, turning bountiful wheat fields into desert. Disease, hardship and death followed, yet people stayed, refusing to give up on their land and way of life.